ACT Freedom of Information Merit Review Officer
Non-Ongoing and Permanent

Closes: 17 March 2025

Salary: $85,155 - $91,809 plus superannuation
Position No: 4145
Directorate: Independent Statutory Offices including boards, tribunals and committees
Advertised (Gazettal date): 05 March 2025
Contact Officer: Erin O’Connell on (02) 6243 1762

Who we are:

By arrangement between the Australian and ACT Governments, the Commonwealth Ombudsman is also the ACT Ombudsman.

The ACT Ombudsman teams aim to influence systemic improvements in public administration by:

  • independent and impartial review of complaints about ACT government and ACT Policing administrative action
  • our oversight of the ACT Freedom of Information (FOI) framework; the ACT Reportable Conduct (RC) Scheme; ACT Policing and the ACT Integrity Commission (as Inspector)
  • influencing government agencies to be accountable, lawful, fair, transparent, and responsive
  • providing assurance that law enforcement, integrity and regulatory agencies are complying with legal requirements when using covert, intrusive and coercive powers
  • providing support to the Judicial Council as its Principal Officer.

We also form part of the ACT's multi-body National Preventive Mechanism (ACT NPM) for places of detention under the control of the ACT, alongside the ACT Inspector of Custodial Services and the ACT Human Rights Commission.

For more information about who we are and what we do, please visit our website.

What we do:

The ACT RC & FOI Team, within the Defence, Investigations, ACT and Legal Branch is responsible for key aspects of the Office’s ACT Ombudsman functions:

  • Under the Freedom of Information Act 2016 (FOI Act), the ACT Ombudsman performs merits review function for FOI decisions. The Ombudsman also grants extensions of time for access applications, investigates FOI complaints; monitors and reports on the operation of the FOI Act; and makes formal guidelines and/or open access declarations under the FOI Act.

Merit Review Officer (APS 5):

The key activities of this role include case management, stakeholder engagement and strategic projects. To be successful in this position you will draw upon your strong legal and case management experience, communication skills and strategic thinking.

Our ideal candidate is legally trained and has relevant experience in administrative reviews or FOI.

Duties include

  • case managing applications for review of access decisions made by ACT agencies and Ministers
  • undertaking legal research to identify the correct or preferable outcome in review matters
  • drafting FOI decisions for the ACT Ombudsman or delegate
  • processing requests for extensions of time for access applications
  • case managing FOI complaints made to the Ombudsman about ACT agencies and Ministers
  • using dispute resolution techniques to conciliate review and complaint matters
  • preparing and managing correspondence, file notes and other documentation relating to allocated matters
  • taking responsibility for the timely progression of allocated matters to short timeframes
  • engaging with stakeholders, including organising FOI practitioner forums and liaising with other Australia Information Commissioners
  • assisting with other strategic projects to promote the objects of the FOI Act, including, community attitudes survey on information access and implementing Open Access monitoring activities.

The successful candidate for a Merit Review Officer will demonstrate:

  • strong legal skills and the ability to draft considered, legally correct and reasoned decisions
  • experience working collaboratively within a small team and be able to communicate with influence
  • the ability to analyse information, ask relevant questions, exercise sound judgment and think strategically
  • the ability to build and maintain productive working relationships
  • the ability to conciliate disputes through informal processes, and
  • a proven ability to communicate with influence, and work with internal and external stakeholders.

What we can offer you:


Successful candidates must:

  • be an Australian citizen,
  • undergo a National Criminal History records check
  • be able to obtain and maintain a security clearance at a level appropriate to the position offered (minimum baseline)
  • Legal qualifications preferred.


RecruitAbility applies to this vacancy. Details about the RecruitAbility scheme can be found at the Australian Public Service Commission's website.

How to Apply: 

Your application must be submitted via the link in the current vacancies page by 11.30pm AEDST on Monday 17 March 2025.


Career interest categories:

Boards, Committees and Tribunals